
What is Ethereum (ETH)?

At its core, Ethereum is a decentralized global software platform powered by blockchain technology. It is most commonly known for its native cryptocurrency, ether (ETH). Ethereum can be used by anyone to create any secured digital technology.

Which Ethereum mining software is best?

You can run it on mining hardware like ASIC, FPGA, and GPU, and is also compatible with Mac, Linux, and Windows. If you’re looking for the most efficient Ethereum mining software, consider Claymore’s dual Ethereum miner, which allows you to scale to any hash rate without affecting the mining speed.

Is Ethereum’s biggest upgrade a game changer for the crypto sector?

Ethereum’s biggest-ever upgrade just took effect, in what industry experts are calling a game changer for the entire crypto sector. Thus far, all signs suggest the so-called merge-which is designed to cut the cryptocurrency’s energy consumption by more than 99% - was a success.

Is Ethereum a proof-of-stake?

Ethereum’s transition to the proof-of-stake protocol, which enables users to validate transactions and mint new ETH based on their ether holdings, is part of a significant upgrade to the Ethereum platform. Previously called Eth2, this upgrade is now referred to only as Ethereum. However, Ethereum now has two layers.

